The price of preserving your Point Piper view? Buy a neighbouring $13 million home

Lucy Macken
October 16, 2017
Their purchase will conveniently prevent any over-development of the site into something that might obstruct the view from the couple's $30.5 million home across the road. Photo: Supplied

Rare Infrastructure boss Nick Langley is no doubt a proud home owner, having spent $30.5 million two years ago with his wife Lorraine Tarabay for the Point Piper landmark residence designed by Professor Leslie Wilkinson.

It was one of that year’s standout sales, and marked an impressive trade-up for the couple from their $11.45 million Hunters Hill home Windermere.

So when the 1960s time capsule home of the late Betty Harris across the road hit the market it made sense to buy it.

After all, not only could they keep a bird’s eye view over their investment from their trophy home behind, but their purchase would also conveniently prevent any over-development of the site into something that might obstruct their view. Such a thing is known to happen in Point Piper, after all.

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Nick Langley and Lorraine Tarabay’s Point Piper trophy home.

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Nick Langley and wife Lorraine Tarabay have paid $13 million for the home of the late Betty Harris.

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At least, that’s the speculation after settlement on the sale this week revealed Langley’s $13 million purchase. Alas, Sotheby’s International’s James McCowan and Michael Pallier aren’t commenting either way, but Langley’s purchase is a win for lovers of iconic 1960s architecture.

The Wyuna Road property was designed by architect John Suttor for Harris and her late racing identity husband Keith Harris after they bought the block for £15,000 in 1962.

It made headlines a few years ago following Betty Harris’ death in 2009 when members of her family contested her will, claiming she lacked the mental capacity to bequeath it to her neighbour and friend Beatrice Gray.

Inspired by Gray’s result, the Fiani family two doors away have followed suit, listing their hillside home with Sotheby’s James McCowan and Stephen Boulden for $11 million.

Whether or not its position to the north will be enough to lure the attentions of Nick Langley remains to be seen, but there’s always its own more impressive harbour views from both levels of the Michael Suttor-designed residence.

Incidentally, it last traded in 1995 for $2.15 million when sold by Chris Little, who commissioned the build.
