'We could win The Block now': Ricky and Haydn win the Domain Listings and Buyers Jury Challenge

October 10, 2024

They’ve been dubbed the “challenge masters” and Ricky and Haydn have done it again, taking out one of the most important challenges of the season: the Domain Listings and Buyers Jury.

As well as working on their hallways, office and rumpus rooms, each team had to create a listing for their property on Domain, getting the homes styled and ready for the listing photos, writing their own listing copy, and highlighting their property’s best features.

If that wasn’t enough, they also hosted an open home, with 100 potential buyers coming through to inspect each house to vote for their favourite.

Ricky and Haydn won the Domain Listings Challenge and $50,000 cash. Photo: Nine

Of course, prolific Block buyers Danny Wallis and Adrian Portelli were there, as well as buyer’s advocate Frank Valentic, so the pressure was on to impress.

All the contestants dolled up and wined and dined their guests, eager to secure the all-important votes and win $50,000 in cold, hard cash – something they all desperately need as budget woes start to bite.

Scoring 29 per cent of the vote, it was a huge win for Ricky and Haydn, who not only nab the prize money but get one-on-one time with host Shelley Craft and Domain national property editor Alice Stolz. It’s also a massive confidence boost for the duo, who are yet to win a room reveal and have received mixed feedback from the judges.

Teams spent the day working on their hallways and prepping for the open home event. Photo: Nine

Last year’s Block winners Steph and Gian won this same challenge, as did The Block 2021 winners Mitch and Mark – facts that weren’t lost on Ricky and Haydn.

“Winning that $50,000 cash, we knew that we’d just gone from pushing [wheel]barrows ourselves to being able to finish on a very strong note,” Haydn said.

“We could win The Block now,” Ricky added.

Despite scoring votes from both Adrian and Danny, Kristian and Mimi were just pipped at the post, scoring 27 per cent of votes, but Mimi was still positive. “To lose by just a little bit is fine, because we still have so long to go to create a beautiful home,” she said.

Domain's Alice Stolz spent time with Ricky and Haydn, discussing what to do with their prize money. Photo: Nine

Kylie and Brad came in third place with 19 per cent of the votes, while a disappointed Courtney and Grant came fourth with 17 per cent.

“I feel like our results are getting worse,” Courtney said. “Is anyone going to buy our house?”

But Scotty was on hand to offer support: “Danny and Adrian loved your master bedroom,” he said. “We think you’re doing a great job.”

Maddy and Charlotte, who came last, were dismayed by their heavy loss. “All these people said they loved the house, and that they would vote for it, and then we get eight-flipping-per cent – it’s all a bit confusing,” Maddy said.

But Charlotte was not letting the defeat get her down: “It is what it is. It’s not the auction, so it’s fine.”

Now we are getting to the pointy end of the season and auction day is fast approaching, only time will tell who will be crowned winners this season.

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