Where exactly will land be released in Canberra in the 2017-2018 year?

Emma Kelly
October 16, 2017
More than 4000 residential dwellings will be added in the ACT as a result of land releases scheduled in the 2017-2018 year. Photo: Getty Images

An aged care site that houses a historic homestead, plus a string of new supermarkets, are among the projects progressing throughout Canberra in the next financial year.

More than 180,000 square metres of land and 4000 residential dwellings are slated for release from mid-2017 as part of the ACT government’s annual land release schedule.

Residential aged care will be developed on a 47,400-square-metre slice of land in Ngunnawal.

The site at the end of Monty Place, near Gungahlin Drive, encompasses the 140-year-old Gold Creek Homestead, which was knocked back from heritage protection eight years ago.

A Land Development Agency spokesman said whether or not future development incorporated the existing buildings was up to the purchaser of the site.

“The Ngunnawal site has a number of constraints, including the old Gold Creek Homestead and difficult topography,” the spokesman said.

“How to deal with these constraints will be a matter for the successful purchaser.”

The spokesman said the site was primarily for aged care however, supported accommodation or a retirement village could also be developed.

The block is opposite an existing retirement village, The Grove Ngunnawal

Further south, Wanniassa is getting a new supermarket at Erindale Shopping Centre, on the existing Denigan Street carpark. 

The spokesman said the project would also encompass speciality retail and replacement car parking spaces.

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About half of the 75 residential dwellings earmarked for Gungahlin Town Centre.

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.18483, lon:149.14013, text:”

About half of the 75 residential dwellings earmarked for Gungahlin Town Centre.

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.17576, lon:149.10437, text:”

Aged care site (47,400 sqm)

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.15357, lon:149.11656, text:”

90 residential dwellings, a supermarket, retail and a 9200sqm mixed-use site.

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.23471, lon:149.06663, text:”

Leisure or accommodation development.

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.20860, lon:149.00192, text:”

Community facilities site. 

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.22399, lon:149.08806, text:”

700 residential dwellings, 1500sqm mixed-use site, 300sqm site for community facilities (exact location not clear)

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.35732, lon:149.10708, text:”

Community facilities site. 

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.40441, lon:149.09824, text:”

New supermarket, retail and parking. 

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.40840, lon:149.07178, text:”

270 residential dwellings

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.41857, lon:149.07421, text:”

210 residential dwellings (not exact location)

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.15248, lon:149.10406, text:”

Taylor: 400 residential dwellings (not exact location)

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.19356, lon:149.16522, text:”

Throsby: 30 residential dwellings (not exact location)

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.33498, lon:149.16672, text:”

Industrial estate (Amtech Industrial Estate)

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.40507, lon:149.15567, text:”

Industrial estate

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.26763, lon:149.13027, text:”

Northbourne flats site to be sold and redeveloped (either side of Northbourne Avenue).

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.27969, lon:149.13637, text:”

Public housing to be demolished and site sold for redevelopment. 

n”,color:”homegardenbusiness”, title:””, maxWidth:200, open:0},
{lat:-35.34107, lon:149.13249, text:”

Red Hill Public Housing Precinct to be redeveloped. 

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In central Canberra, Reid’s Bega Flats, opposite the Canberra Centre, will be demolished and sold.

The renewal follows a similar fate to the neighbouring Currong and Allawah flats site across Ainslie Avenue, which is being redeveloped to house a high-density precinct. 

Other ageing public housing dwellings being razed and redeveloped as part of the 2017-2018 schedule include the Northbourne Flats in Turner and Braddon and public housing in Red Hill.

There’s plenty of development slated in some of the ACT’s newest suburbs.

A 15,700-square-metre mixed-use site will be released in the Molonglo Valley suburb of Wright, with no particular facilities or projects planned at this stage. Another 365 dwelling sites will be added in the suburb.

Moncrieff in Gungahlin is getting a supermarket, with the opportunity for additional retail. A 9200-square-metre parcel of land zoned for mixed use and 90 residential dwellings are also on the cards.

The eastward expansion of the Gungahlin Town Centre will continue with 75 new residential dwellings to be spread across two mixed-use sites.

The spokesman said one block was on the corner of The Valley Avenue and Manning Clark Crescent, while the other was on the corner of Anthony Rolfe Avenue and Kate Crace Street.

The development of Lawson will also progress over the coming fiscal year. A 1500-square-metre mixed-use site and 700 residential dwellings will form the second stage of release in the burgeoning suburb.

Further south, land for 480 dwellings will be released along Lake Tuggeranong in Greenway.

This includes 270 sites between Mortimer Lewis Drive and Drakeford Drive on the eastern side of the lake – the next stage of Greenway’s Southquay development.

Another 210 sites will be released between Soward Way and Athllon Drive, across the lake from Southquay’s existing multi-unit developments. 

Other new dwelling sites set for release include 400 in Taylor, 30 in Throsby, 190 in Coombs and 300 in the new Belconnen suburb of Strathnairn as part of the city’s north-west expansion.

Parcels of land zoned for community facilities will be released in the suburbs of Macgregor and O’Malley. 

Some sites due for release in the 2017-2018 year were announced as part of the previous year’s land release schedule.

This includes the former water police site at the end of Evelyn Parker Place in Belconnen, overlooking Lake Ginninderra. 

The spokesman said an expression of interest campaign late last year did not progress to a tender stage.

He said the site could accommodate a two-storey building “for leisure or accommodation uses such as indoor entertainment and recreation facilities, clubs, drink establishments, restaurants and commercial accommodation”.

Other blocks rolled over from the previous schedule include industrial estates in Hume and Symonston.
